10 Seriously Serious Reasons You Should Use Your Vacation Time!

D. A. S. L. Writer
4 min readJan 22, 2020
Sunglasses by Ethan Robertson via Unsplash

This is a PSA for individuals like me who tend to overlook the importance of taking a vacation from time to time. Whether you’re starting a new job or you’ve been on your current role for years, everyone needs a little R&R.

Here’re 10 seriously serious reasons why you need to get serious (yes, I’m using the word “serious” a lot because I mean it) about your vacay time!

1) You Need To Reconnect With Yourself

Getting money or as my peers say “cheese” is super important. I get it. You have a car note. College debts looming over you. A dog sitter needs to get paid or your beloved fur-baby ruins your hardwood floors. Yes, the only way to get money (unless you’ve been blessed with a silver spoon) is to work super hard!

But, the time we spend making enough cheddar to take care of our eggs (forgive me for the Cardi B reference) means that eventually, we lose focus of who we are as individuals. We become our work. Self-care goes out the window at that point.

This is where a vacation can help redirect the energy that you’ve put into your grind back into yourself. Everyone knows that if you’re not centered internally, then the chaos on the outside will overwhelm you.

2) You’re Throwing Away Free Money!

Your work anniversary comes and goes, and you’ve only taken a fraction of your allotted time off. Now, if your company doesn’t have a roll-over plan do you know what you just did? Yup, you threw away free money.

Granted, it’s not money that just magically appeared, usually, it’s accrued throughout the year or possibly negotiated at the onset of your employment. But, that’s money and time that you’ve just thrown out the window. Fortunately, the only good thing to come out of losing last year’s vacay time is that you can make up for it this year by using it!

3) Rediscover How Much You Love Your Job

Ask anyone at a job for a number of years and they will likely tell you that being an employee or even a boss is like being in a relationship. There are highs, benefits, and tons of great memories. And, then there are the sucky parts and you start to feel yourself drifting apart from your first love.

Like couples reaching that 7-year itch, it may be time for you to step away from the cubicle and sip some Pina Coladas. Yes. You need to step away. You need to actually learn how to miss your job. Or at least take a long enough break, so that you’ll end up appreciating your job. Before you know it you’ll start daydreaming about the ring of your work phone…

4) …Or Not.

I’m not encouraging you to quit your job while you’re on vacation. It’s probably a bad idea, especially since job loss equates to no more paid vacations. However, you may get an epiphany and discover that maybe you don’t want to go back to work. Your job has become a burden in disguise. You may love the work that you do but dislike some aspect of the company that you’re with. Your gut has a mind of its own and you should listen to it.

5) Your Colleagues Will Be So Glad You’re Gone (I Mean, Glad You Returned)

Let’s be honest. No one loves everyone they work with. And, even your water-cooler friend needs a break from you and your tales. Do your colleagues a favor and take a vacation.

When you return you’ll learn one of two things: 1) how much they missed you or 2) it might be time to learn how to be more emotionally intelligent.

6) You Could Die At Work

I don’t have data to support this theory, but if you don’t take a vacation you could possibly work yourself to death. Think about how angry you would be if you worked so hard that you died at your desk. It gives me chills. Granted, some people live to work. But, you could just try living and being alive, too.

7) Don’t Wait For Retirement To Start Taking Vacations

Waiting for retirement to start taking vacations is like waiting to throw yourself a lit party of a lifetime, only after you get married. That’s stupid. Take your vacation (and throw your party, single folks) now!

Get on a travel site. Start planning, saving, and booking. Retirement could be ten years from now or five years from now. You’ve worked hard. You don’t need to wait until you’re retired to start traveling the world. See bits of the world now while you’re able and Social Security is still around, (but not necessary for your livelihood at the moment).

8) Even God Took A Vacation

No matter your beliefs, even God/Creator/The Universe, took a break from creating. If HE needed a break. You need one too.

9) Renew Yourself

Self-care. Health. Being happy. Taking a vacation allows you to do all those things. Be revamped, renewed, and refreshed.

10) You Freaking Deserve To Take A Vacation

This point really goes to anyone who has ever read a dozen emails, taken a dozen phone calls, and have to deal with a dozen-and-one tasks all within eight hours, five days a week, with few breaks, and half-eaten lunches. TAKE A VACATION!

What do you think? Did I miss any other reasons why you need to vacation?

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



D. A. S. L. Writer

A full-time writer, part-time corporate cog. I write sci-fi, urban fantasy and paranormal romance.